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Our modern world relies heavily on fossil fuels to preserve economic growth and today's standard of living. However, for the first time, physical limits of the earth are met in our encounter with finite resources of oil and natural gas and its impact of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on our global climate.

Never before has accurate accounting of our energy dependency been more pertinent to developing public policies for a sustainable development of our society, both in the industrial world and the emerging economies. At present, much emphasis is put on the introduction of a worldwide cap-and-trade system to limit global GHG emissions by balancing regional differences on a financial basis.

In the near future, society may be permeated at all levels with information systems for direct feedback on energy usage, as fossil fuels continue to be used privately and for manufacturing and transportation services. Information in today's society, focused on knowledge, news and entertainment, is expected to extend to energy usage in real-time.

A collective medium for energy information may arise, serving to balance our individual and global energy dependence on fossil fuels. Yet, this development is not without restrictions, notably privacy issues. Recently, the Dutch Senate rejected a proposed law for mandatory national introduction of smart metering, in part, on the basis of privacy concerns.

The diligent efforts at Sequence support an array of energy activities and initiatives for our clients through recruitment and placement of highly capable staff, management and executive level personnel.  We are well versed in all facets and undertakings of this profession. 

We recruit in support of a wide range of issues related to the energy industry on behalf of our clients, from finding and developing accessible and sustainable energy resources to designing and constructing the energy infrastructure to supply energy to people and businesses. 

Recruiting environmental professionals around the globe.

Sequence has been a leader on behalf of its clients recruiting and staffing professionals in the environmental industry sector worldwide.  We certainly know and understand the technical and professional nuances of these vocations, which is important because our professional recruiters know the vital role these professionals can have in the environmental, climate change, engineering, construction, and light industrial industries.

After all we are the premier executive recruiting and staffing firm committed to providing employment solutions to these major industries throughout the globe.  Our team of highly skilled, experienced recruiters and staffing professionals has broad environmental industry experience.  They know the leading professionals in the environmental field. 

With this expansive industry network, they know where the finest talent is and how to obtain the best and the brightest personnel for your organization.  Our recruiting philosophy, methodology and recruiting practices adhere to the highest standards and ethics in the industry.  It is why we are able to carefully screen and present only the most qualified candidates who are highly capable of making a significant difference in your organization. 

Sequence offers a full array of HR services.

Sequence can meet all of your personnel needs, from filling individual environmental jobs to recruiting and staffing entire practice groups, for both small firms or for large organizations all over the world. 

We recruit and staff executive, management, administrative and field-level personnel for temporary and temporary-to-permanent jobs, and for direct-hire positions throughout the environmental field worldwide.  We also offer short and long-term temporary contract placements, outplacement services, long-term recruiting in addition to contracting a full range of HR services. 

With such a diversity of applications, there is a nearly endless list of environmental sub-specialties with which Sequence has experience. Many of these specialties are vital to the clients we serve and require the highly skilled expertise in recruiting and staffing that Sequence provides. 

Professions in this field we routinely recruit include:

• Civil Engineer
• Construction Project Manager
• Construction Superintendent
• Construction Supervisor
• Electrical Engineer
• GIS Specialist
• Geological and Geophysical Oceanographer
• Geologist
• Metallurgical, Mining and Geological Engineer
• Mining Surveyor
• Modeling Specialist
• Petroleum Engineer
• Petroleum Geologist
• Power Transmission Engineer
• Public Involvement Specialist
• Public Relations Manager
• Regional Planner
• Transportation Planner
• Urban Planner
• Volcanologist